Escalators and Moving Walkway

Solutions for any facility – smooth and uninterrupted movement for your visitors

  • 18 years of experience

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Escalators and Moving Walkway

Escalators and moving walkways are the perfect solution for providing reliable and uninterrupted access to various levels of buildings. Designed for comfort and safety, even during heavy foot traffic, they ensure a consistent flow of people in metro stations, airports, and other facilities. Whether for indoor, outdoor, or partially exposed use, we offer comprehensive solutions that meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

Escalators and Moving Walkway


Escalators and lifts together form a highly developed transport infrastructure. Compared to lifts, escalators have a significant advantage in moving large numbers of people between levels continuously. Even in the case of power outages or other emergencies, they function as regular stairs.

Moving Walkways

Though similar in purpose and design to escalators, moving walkways (travellators) are different in that they have a much smaller incline, or none at all. Instead of steps, they feature a flat or level surface. Moving walkways are designed for fast and comfortable transport of people with or without luggage, speeding up traffic in any location.

Safety and functionality are ensured through automatic notification systems, energy-saving start/stop features, motor speed regulators, automatic brakes, and foreign object protection.




● average throughput of 7000 people per hour;● people are transported on an incline;● continuous operation 24/7;● replace conventional stairs in the event of a power outage or shutdown;● quick installation compared to lifts.

Moving walkways

Moving walkways

● the average throughput capacity is 8,000 people per hour;● people are transported in a straight line or with a slight incline;● continuous operation 24/7;● the ability to move along the track in case of a power outage or shutdown; ● quick installation compared to lifts.

General features:


    width of steps up to 1000 mm;

    capacity of up to 9000 people per hour;

    speeds of 0.5 and 0.75 m/s;

    30 and 35 degree tilt angle;

    movement up to 16 m at an inclination of 30 degrees;

    energy-efficient 3-phase drive;

    meets the current requirements of UNE EN 115:2012, UNE EN115-2:2011, UNE EN115-3:2011, UNE EN115-2/A1:2012.

Moving walkways:

    step width up to 1400 mm;

    capacity of up to 9000 people/hour;

    speeds of 0.5 and 0.75 m/s;

    tilt angle from 0 to 12 degrees;

    movement up to 13 m at an inclination of 0 degrees;

    energy-efficient 3-phase drive;

    meets the current requirements of UNE EN 115:2012, UNE EN115-2:2011, UNE EN115-3:2011, UNE EN115-2/A1:2012.

Application areas:

    shopping malls;
    business centres;
    airports, etc.
Moving Walkway

LM Liftmechanics team of professionals


Liftmechanics is your reliable partner for escalators and moving walkways. With 18 years of market experience, we provide a full range of services: from installation and commissioning to start-up and maintenance. We guarantee reliability, quality and safety in every project.

We offer an individual approach to each client. Regardless of your budget or needs, we will find the perfect equipment, providing the best price and quality. We invite you to contact us to discuss your project.

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