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Passenger Flow Calculation for Lifts

This service includes the analysis and determination of the optimal quantity and characteristics of lifts for a particular building, taking waiting time into account.
Incorrect selection of lift equipment can lead to the following problems:

    A significant increase in the load on lift equipment, leading to more frequent repairs and even further operational inefficiency in the future.
    Discomfort in the case of large crowds.
    Gradual decrease in visitors.
    Gradual loss of the building's rating.
    During maintenance, with a critically high passenger level, it can quickly escalate to catastrophic levels.
Розрахунок пасажиропотоку ліфтів

The service "Passenger Flow Calculation" helps optimize the efficiency of passenger movement in the building, ensuring fast and safe throughput capacity, taking into account potential load growth. This assists the client in choosing the right quantity, type of equipment, and creates a relaxed sense of comfort for visitors.

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